Taxes And Rebates


The GST is a value-added tax of 7% that is applicable to most purchases regardless of whether the buyer is a resident of Canada or a visitor to Canada. Non-residents of Canada may apply for a rebate of the GST paid on certain goods and services purchased in Canada. Goods such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and automotive fuel do not qualify for rebate. Forms for obtaining rebates are available at many hotels, shops, and Info Centres on Vancouver Island. More details are provided on the rebate applications; for general information, call 1-800-668-4748 (in Canada) or (902)432-5608 (outside Canada) or visit


In B.C., an additional provincial tax of 7.5% is also applied to all retail purchases, with the exception of liquor, which is taxed at 10%. Accommodation is taxed from 15% to 17% including the GST, which is refundable to visitors to Canada . Rebates are not available for PST.